4 November 2008

Great Websites

There are tonnes of websites out there. Here are some of my favourites:

http://www.feelunique.com/ ( free delivery and cheaper make-up than RRP)

PS: bought 'The Goddess Guide' in Urban Outfitters the other day. It's such a good read (so far). Every page is beautiful. I'd definetely recommend it if you haven't already got it.

PSII: Louis Garrell
Edit: And before I forget one of my favourite vintage designer shops http://www.mensah.uk.com/. You can order stuff online. Brilliant.


SERENA said...

omg. thaaank you so much!
however... I WANT the goddes guide but here in italy is nowhere to be found.

Natalie said...

I can post it over to you when I finish. I LOVE your blog btw.