5 March 2009

Photoshopping gone wrong!

I was bloody gobsmacked when I seen this picture of Helena Christensen that is in Aprils InStyle magazine. I happen to think that Helena is incredibly beautiful, dresses immensely and looks amazing for her age. So why make her look so awful and not even human-like? How can this actually get 'okayed' for a 'top' magazine? Shame on whoever phooshopped this! Seriously!
I had only ever read one interview with her before this interview (The Sunday Times Style magazine a couple of years ago) and as it turns out she seems an interesting person. Here are a few things she said:
"'I’ve never lived with anyone except my son. 'It’s not like I set out to live like that, but now it would be a big thing to move in with somebody.
'I’m used to my own place, my own things.
'But you know, if I met the right person, I’m sure I’d be like, "Move in tomorrow, put your things everywhere". That would probably work for a while and then I’d need a bit of balance!'
'Age in itself doesn’t freak me out. I’m in better shape than I was at 25 because I’m actually doing something physical, which I never did until two years ago because I was way too lazy.
'I try to go boxing twice a week and I run, but after exactly 21 minutes, I’m ready to lie down and vomit. I’m super-lucky with my metabolism.
'I eat more than anyone I know, so I have to be realistic – that might not always be the situation. 'That’s why I chose really intense training. It was a question of, if I want to continue eating that much, I need to balance it out."

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